Why YOU need your Patent Claims reviewed

Whether you are in-house counsel, a tech company, or an inventor – you should do this!

More than 90% of patent applications our attorneys have reviewed on behalf of the United States Patent and Trademark Office had avoidable errors. Or claims were too broad or too narrow!

If your claims are too broad, your application will be rejected due to lack of novelty or obviousness. If they are too narrow, you are missing out on stronger and broader patentability rights.

Statistically speaking, it is worth your time and money to have your patent claims reviewed.


  • Ensure your patent captures the broadest patentability rights intended

  • Save time - Avoid rejections and office actions that delay your application for months

  • Save money - Avoid billable hours needed to address your claim mistakes  

  • Improve your reputation - with the USPTO, within your company, in the industry

  • Improve client relations - Successful patents lead to satisfied, motivated clients

3rd Party Patent Claim review — increases approval rate
— decreases billable hours